Founder's Welcome
It is my privilege to welcome you to our 10th Annual Ohio Diversity and Leadership Conference. Since the inception of the Ohio Diversity and Leadership Conference, we have made great strides in fostering an environment for diversity and inclusion. However, there is still much more to be done. In order to remain competitive in today's global economy, organizations must be innovative and creative when it comes to maintaining diversity within their workforce. They should also actively seek to mold leaders and encourage employee engagement throughout every level of their infrastructure, in order to ensure organizational objectives are not merely fulfilled, but exceeded. To achieve these goals, businesses must constantly strive for change and promote environments of inclusion, while also educating employees on the importance of these policies.
Our conference will afford organizations the opportunity to explore tools and resources necessary to build diverse workforces and remain competitive on the global stage. The event will also provide a valuable opportunity for individuals to network together and grow in their knowledge of diversity and leadership, which can be utilized to craft long and distinguished careers. Finally, our speakers and various panel sessions will offer a unique perspective on a plethora of topics, including the creation of a diverse workforce, essential leadership skills, personal branding, and diversity and inclusion best practices.
I encourage you to join us and not only actively participate with your colleagues, but take your newly acquired knowledge back to your organization and share it with your coworkers, managers, and senior leadership, in order to promote a diverse and inclusive environment for all. I would like to take this time to thank our sponsors who see the value in our Ohio Diversity and Leadership Conference and continue to provide financial support to keep us going. I also want to acknowledge our speakers who have made a commitment to be here. Finally, I would like to thank the conference organizers and volunteers who worked diligently to bring you a top-notch conference.
Dennis Kennedy
Founder & CEO
National Diversity Council