• Ohio Diversity and Leadership Conference
  • Ohio Diversity and Leadership Conference
  • Ohio Diversity and Leadership Conference
  • Ohio Diversity and Leadership Conference

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October 30th
10:30am - 11:30am Powerful & Influential Women Panel Discussion

Gaining Cultural Competency for Leadership Development

It Takes a Village to Achieve Full Diversity and Inclusion…White Males Live in That Village, Too!

Identifying and Aligning with the Leaders in Your Organization
1:30pm - 2:30pm Dialogue on Race in America

‘I want to work’ – Advantages of Hiring People with Disabilities

Best Practices on Managing Generational Diversity

Leveraging Your Success Through Mentors, Networks, and Sponsors
2:40pm - 3:40pm Tips and Strategies for Working with People with Disabilities

Straight for Equality in the Workplace 101 (Workshop)

Multicultural Leadership Roundtable

Latino Segment: Best Practices in the Workplace and the Marketplace
October 31th
9:00am - 9:50am Maintaining Your Cultural Authenticity

Dialogue on Hot Topics and Trends in Diversity

Top Competencies for Leadership
10:00am - 11:00am Creating Your Significance – Becoming Your Own Brand

The Rewards of “Servant” Leadership

Lean In - Taking Your Place at the Table